FYI The Universe is not your personal assistant.

Okay, I have been mulling on this for awhile now, and I think it just has to be said.

The Universe is  not your servant.  Nor is it here just to serve you and your manifestations.

There are so many “experts” out there that are selling, and thaaaat’s right I said SELLING, the idea to people that The Universe is some sort of Customer Service Agent in your life schemes, and that it’s just sitting around waiting to fulfill your every wish.

I call bullox.

First of all, the universe is kinda busy, you know, doing Univer-sey type things, like maintaining solar systems and planetary operations.

Basically, this post is probably not going to be popular, but that’s okay by me.  Some people might even say to me, “But Lisa!  You’re a tarot reader!  Don’t you believe in the universe and its powers?”

Yes and no.  Yes I do believe that the Universe has intelligence, which I do not even pretend to understand.  No, I do not believe that the universe is there to just grant you your every whim and wish.

Actual words that “experts” have said:

  • “The Universe LOOOOVES clarity.”  Really?  You know this, how?
  • “Whatever you desire the Universe is waiting to give you that desired outcome.  If you do not get what you desire, you are not vibrating at the correct level.”  So, because of your shitty vibrating level, you’re screwed.
  • “If you pick up money on the street, the Universe will know you are serious about money.”  I’m not even kidding, somebody actually said this.
  • “The Universe is just waiting to manifest your dream life.”  Ugh.

The flip side of this they usually throw at you is that, if what you have been trying to manifest with your partner-in-crime Universe does not materialize, basically it’s your fault because you didn’t truly feel the right vibration so the universe was “confused.”

No wonder people are getting pissed off when all of their affirmations and manifesting requests to the universe are not materializing!

Listen.  I believe in intentional action.   I believe in prayer.  I believe in co-incidences that happen as a result of both of those things.  I believe in a higher power and intuition that guides me to live in the light and not in the dark as much as possible.

I don’t pretend to understand how any of this works.  

But what I am getting super tired of is this trend towards experts selling the idea that they know what the universe wants or doesn’t want. What it likes or doesn’t like regarding what human beings do or don’t do.

Please stop.

Live in the light.  Meditate.  Get quiet and follow your gut. If you can’t “hear” your intuition or your gut, use tools like tarot to access it. Use your intention in all areas of your life. Stay focused on your goals with intention.  Trust in the unfolding of your life.  Take care of your body, mind, and spirit.  Pray.  Love one another.

That’s it, that’s all.

my signature with xo


Get free readings straight to your inbox plus my Tarot Meanings Cheat Sheets!  You can sign up right here. 


Guest Speaker Series with FasterEFT practitioner Olga Bochavera



I am super excited to share with you my interview with FasterEFT practitioner Olga Bochareva.  Olga is a Emotional Freedom Coach and I have had the privilege of having a session with her that knocked my socks off!  I have been using EFT tapping for several months now, and have loved the results for me and my family, but FasterEFT is so much more!

Olga has an upcoming FREE webinar this Friday May 1st and you don’t want to miss it!  You can sign up for it right here. 

I hope you enjoy the interview, and feel free to share it with your family and friends, and try it for yourself!  You can find out more about Olga and how to work with her at her website Master The Art Of Change.

I hope you enjoyed this interview!  Have a wonderful day!

my signature with xo

Top three tips to quiet your Inner Critic

Let me start by saying what I am about to talk about here is UNIVERSAL.  Every single human has this problem.  So, there’s THAT.

Every time somebody comes to me for a tarot reading, dollars to donuts they are looking for a way around or through a block of some kind.  EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

So, what’s going on here?  Well, I have a few theories, but there is one thing… JUST ONE.. that comes up over and over again for people.


It goes something like this:

YOU:  I have this great idea to write a book/launch a business/create a new thing!

INNER CRITIC:  Ha!  You?  You’re not ready to do that!  Nobody will listen to you! You will be in financial ruin over such a stupid idea.

Or any variation thereof.

But how can you tell if this voice is truly your Inner Critic, or your actual reason that is trying to sort out if you should do said scary thing or not?  Well, there are a few ways to help determine this:

1.  Is the voice harsh?  If the answer is YES, than it is likely your Inner Critic.

2. Is the tone of this voice frantic and fearful?  If this voice’s tone is in the “freak out” range, BOOM, Inner Critic.

3.  Worst-case-scenerio thinking.  If this voice goes from, “Gee, that might be fun” to “You’ll ruin your life!”  in a nano second… prolly your IC.

What would your actual inner wisdom sound like?  Well, it might go something like this:

YOU:  I have this great idea to write a book/launch a business/create this new thing.

INNER WISDOM:  I wonder if I am ready yet to do that?  I will start to research tomorrow on what exactly I need to know to move ahead.  Maybe I can start with a blog and go from there?

See the difference in tone?  First of all the first voice is all doom-and-gloom and panic, the second voice is curious and calm. This is KEY.  So, pay attention to that when you are starting to reach the edges of your own comfort zone.

The thing is that your Inner Critic voice is actually a protective mechanism.  It is the part of your brain that is hooked up to your primitive fears.  Some people call this voice their Inner Lizard, because all it is doing is alerting you to some imaginary danger and trying to keep you safe from harm, misguided though this Lizard is.  So, knowing this can actually help you to tame it.  You will never get rid of it, it is a part of how your inner mind works, but you can learn to work with it.  Read on, my Poppet.

Now, if I could count how many times this f-ing voice of my Inner Critic has held me back in my life, lord, I would run out of numbers.

And this goes for every other human too, by the way.  Read about any successful person, politician, celebrity, business guru, you will hear the same thing over and over.  “Oh, sometimes I hear this nagging voice of….” and then they list the litany of abuse that this voice unleashes whenever you want to try something new, bold, or great.

Here’s the thing, though.  How does that mean that YOU are actually holding YOURSELF back, if this stupid voice seems to just yammer on and on without any way of you controlling it?

Because you can actually control it.   

old lady

One of the most important things I have learned in the last three or so years is that I have the ability to turn down the volume on my Inner Critic.  Not forever, but for long enough to do that scary thing.  Okay, so how do I do this? There are a few ways. One of the first things you can do is to create a persona for this voice. Actually create a character for it. Mine is this older lady, with the long red nails, and she chain smokes.  She sits in her cluttered kitchen only lit by a beaded fringed lamp. She has that gravelly voice from all the smoking, and boy does she ever love The Bingo, she calls it “Going to Church.”  Ugh.

(In fact, she’s doing it right now!  Sharza is all up in my face about this very blog post, “Nobody is going to read it, let alone share it. (cough, hack, wheeze, cough) It’s all been said before. (waves cigarette at me)” but I have worked with the volume knob tool so much that her voice is never loud enough for me to hear, I get occasional blasts of words, but I just ignore her.  Secretly, she kind of loves this blog post, cuz she thinks it’s all about HER, but whatever.  Sigh. )

ANYway, here are your TOP THREE TIPS to quieting your Inner Critic, and trust me when I say… THEY WORK.  

1.  I imagine a huge volume knob that controls this voice, I then literally turn the volume down and just let her blather on so I can only here a murmer.  Then SHE’S happy because she can keep launching missiles of shame and humiliation my way, but I can’t actually really hear it.  Done and done.

2.  I send her to bingo.  When I first started to do this one, I would physically get up from my chair and pretend to walk her out the door, hand her fifty bucks and send her to a smoke filled bingo hall.  This would give me about two hours of blissful peace so I could get some work done that required me to be vulnerable and brave.

3.  Give them the “head pat”.  You just need to say,”Hey, thanks for the heads up, but I got this.  You don’t need to worry your ugly little head about this, like at all.”

I know you can do these things.  You know how I know?  Because if you live in, you know, THE WORLD, you are always inundated with noise and you manage to filter it out 100% to have a conversation, or make a purchase, or talk on the phone if you have kids (or husbands) that are trying to talk to you.  AMIRIGHT?!

Your Inner Monkey Mind chatter is like that.

So, sleigh your Self Doubt machine right now, because you know what? You are allowing it to block you from your own personal greatness.  A greatness, whatever that looks like for you, is needed on this planet.  We need you to play as big as you can in this world, to shine brightly your unique divine light all over humanity.

Now go.  

Be brave. 

Be great. 

Shine on, you crazy diamond.  

And if you need support and guidance on slaying your own Personal Self Doubt Dragon, I can help.  

my signature with xo

Guest Speaker Series – Numerology with Krystal Claflin


Welcome to a brand new feature here on my site – Tarot Solutions Guest Speaker Series!  I will be inviting experts from various woo-woo fields to share their expertise with you awesome peeps!!  Sometimes they will be interviewed by me, and other times  there will be another way they present their area of awesomeness.

My first guest speaker is my friend, colleague and fellow tarot enthusiast, Krystal Claflin.  Krystal and I met a few months ago, and through some comment threads on my Tarot Solutions FB page I discovered that she did Numerology and I was like, “WHA? I WANT TO KNOW MORE!”

And she gave me more.  LOTS MORE!  I was super lucky to get a reading from her, and it BLEW ME AWAY with A) its freaky accuracy – even my house has numbers! And B) what an incredible teacher she is.  I knew immediately after she sent me my reading that I just had to bring her wisdom and stellar teaching abilities to you – my Tarot Lovelies.

Krystal has generously offered an ongoing discount EXCLUSIVELY to my readers for as long as her Buy Now button is on my site.  See?  AH-MAZING.  I will be creating a “Partner Link” section somewhere on my site in the future, but for now you can just hit the Buy Now button below her video.

So, sit back and enjoy this fascinating look inside Numerology and discover what it can do for you.  Are you actually with your soulmate?  How can you identify and nurture your core strengths and talents in this lifetime?  Understand your kids better?  You will LOVE her talk.  And I thank you for being here with us today.

Thank you SO MUCH Krystal for presenting your gifts and talents with us.




Krystal’s site is still percolating and rising in the interweb oven, but when it is ready to be released to the world, I will share the link widely with you all!  For now, you can purchase a reading at her very generous Tarot Solutions discount(don’t even hesitate, IT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND!) click here to order and find out more!  

 my signature with xo


The 3 reasons you might want to learn to read tarot cards

tattooed reader branded largeHere’s the thing, we have already covered how our inner and outer worlds are so damn noisy now-a-days that we can no longer access our inner voice easily making decisions even harder and more stressful to make, so what would be the benefit of learning to read tarot cards for yourself, rather than hire a professional reader?

  1. You can do readings for yourself any old time you like. Imagine when you are ruminating over a big decision in your life, and you have been thinking about it for awhile, and people keep telling you to listen to your gut, but anytime you try to do that all you hear are “crickets”, right?  I have been there, and still go there on a regular basis!  Well, instead of paying for a session from a pro, like myself, there might be times when you just want a quick answer, or a nudge from your intuitive self right then and there. Being able to interpret the cards for yourself affords you the convenience of having your own personal guru at your fingertips.  But, Lisa, you say, aren’t you just talking yourself out of a job? Ahhh… not really.  There will always be times when even a professional reader might consult a more seasoned tarot reader for a fresh eyeball on their spread. And given that it takes years to really get savvy at reading the cards, it is likely that people will always hire readers for the big questions in life.  Then there are those folks that have no interest in learning to read the cards and would just like to have a reader do it for them. So, no, I’m not worried about that!
  2. Fine tuning your own intuitive powers.  After learning to use a tool like the tarot, or iChing, or tea leaves, or whatever tool floats your boat, your intuitive muscles get much stronger.  It’s actually pretty amazing when this starts to happen.  Suddenly when you have that hunch or gut feeling, you stop dead in your tracks and tend to trust it more.  This is key, trusting your inner voice is truly even more important than not being able to hear it more often.  What good is hearing it if you are going to ignore it anyway?  I have done this myself. A couple of years ago I thought I wanted to be a life coach.  The work suited my personality and I love helping people, plus I have an utter fascination with human nature, and how the human mind works.  I registered for course after course only to have this weird physical sensation literally in the center of my gut every time I uttered the words “Life Coach”.  It was the most uncomfortable roller coaster I have been on in a looooong time.  I registered and canceled several life coach programs, and my poor husband was ready to tear his hair out with my back and forth endless ruminations.  I just could not trust that literal gut feeling whenever I said those two words.  ANYway, I finally had to acquiesce and drop all ideas of becoming a life coach.  And you know what? The feeling stopped.  The anxiety stopped.  And this was my first real step in recent years of honouring that inner wisdom.  Not long after that, I touched my toe in the waters of becoming a professional tarot reader, and low and behold this seemed to effortlessly unfold in front of me.  Though it required work, lots of work initially especially, what I mean by “effortless” is that I felt very little inner or outer resistance to moving down this path. Now that I have a more disciplined practice of reading tarot for myself, I am finding I don’t need to consult them as often.  How cool is that?
  3. Less stress more ease in your daily life.  Once you start a practice that exercises your intuitive muscles and you start to trust your inner voice again, suddenly life does not seem that overwhelming.  That being said, tarot is not a religion nor is it specifically a spiritual practice for most people, so it can fit beautifully alongside any other spiritual practice or beliefs you have in your life. Yes, even some christians use tarot cards!  GASP!  I use them as a PSYCHOLOGICAL tool solely for accessing my subconscious/intuitive mind to uncover my hidden motivations and deep desires I would like as an outcome. You know how you can flip a coin when making a decision?  Well, I do this with people sometimes, you flip the coin and it lands and you cover it with your hand. Before you reveal which side if up you say, “Now, which side do you REALLY want to be showing?”  And it is amazing that 9 out of 10 people will have an answer!  See? They knew their choice all along, they just wanted validation!  Tarot cards are very much like that. You already know the answer, and the cards will just validate what you already know. So, if you can have this portable guru, as I said before, at your fingertips, only to get more and more useful with practice, and along with other practices you have in your personal, professional and spiritual life, this will greatly help to alleviate stress in your day to day life and work.

Plus it’s super cool, I’m not gonna even remotely lie about that.

Learning to read tarot cards is not for everybody, but if you have always had a fascination with them, and even dabbled in reading them but never quite felt like you were using them to their true potential, I invite you to join us for the fifth round of my five week online beginning tarot course Dabbler to Diva!  Doors are still open but close on September 26th and It will fill up fast so don’t wait!

You can read all about what’s inside and register right here!  

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