Dabbler to Diva Mini Course is here!
Mystified by how to learn to read the tarot? Are you fascinated with tarot cards but have no idea where to start? I mean, how the heck are you supposed to memorize the meanings of 78 cards and the endless combinations in spreads anyway? You’ve had your deck since...
Frustrated by trying to learn to read tarot? Try this!
I don't know about you, but for years and years and YEARS, I would pull out my dusty deck of tarot cards out of my drawer, and get all excited. I would take out my Learning the Tarot book by Joan Bunning, and I would sit down to learn how to read these god damn cards...
Your brain is stupid, your intuition is not. Why getting a tarot reading could be the smartest thing you ever do.
Good lord my brain is dumb. Listen, I'm not saying I am all stupid and stuff, but I cannot TELL you how many times my mighty intuitive self is literally screaming eternal wisdom at me, and my stupid brain overrides these directions and leads me astray. Way astray....
Your life is not a screenplay… you’re doing freaking improv.
I had a client today, and they were just awesome. I love it when sessions go like this one did! We laughed, we cried, we kabitzed. Andsomething came up for them that was kind of like... HOLY. CRAP. IHAVETOWRITEABLOGPOSTABOUTTHAT! I know many of you have heard the...
3 Keys to finding peace in a chaotic world.
I don't know about you, but I am always finding ways to quiet my extremely busy brain. I'll try pretty much anything, except maybe one of those isolation chamber water tank thingies. I think I would go berserk in one of those! There is one tarot card that speaks to...
FYI The Universe is not your personal assistant.
Okay, I have been mulling on this for awhile now, and I think it just has to be said. The Universe is not your servant. Nor is it here just to serve you and your manifestations. There are so many "experts" out there that are selling, and thaaaat's right I said...
Guest Speaker Series with FasterEFT practitioner Olga Bochavera
I am super excited to share with you my interview with FasterEFT practitioner Olga Bochareva. Olga is a Emotional Freedom Coach and I have had the privilege of having a session with her that knocked my socks off! I have been using EFT tapping for several...
Top three tips to quiet your Inner Critic
Let me start by saying what I am about to talk about here is UNIVERSAL. Every single human has this problem. So, there's THAT. Every time somebody comes to me for a tarot reading, dollars to donuts they are looking for a way around or through a block of some kind....
Guest Speaker Series – Numerology with Krystal Claflin
Welcome to a brand new feature here on my site - Tarot Solutions Guest Speaker Series! I will be inviting experts from various woo-woo fields to share their expertise with you awesome peeps!! Sometimes they will be interviewed by me, and other times there will be...
The 3 reasons you might want to learn to read tarot cards
Here's the thing, we have already covered how our inner and outer worlds are so damn noisy now-a-days that we can no longer access our inner voice easily making decisions even harder and more stressful to make, so what would be the benefit of learning to read tarot...
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