Sacred Seeds, Fierce Blossoms: Embracing the Wild Woman’s Path, Aligned with the Life Cycle of a Berry

Sacred Seeds, Fierce Blossoms: Embracing the Wild Woman’s Path, Aligned with the Life Cycle of a Berry

“Nature’s essence and the wild woman intertwine, blossoming into untamed beauty.”

The life cycle of a berry beautifully mirrors the essence of the wild woman. Just as the berry begins as a seed, the wild woman is born from a seed of untamed spirit and innate wisdom. She carries within her the potential for growth, transformation, and fierce authenticity.

As the berry sprouts and blooms into a delicate flower, the wild woman awakens to her true nature. She embraces her wildness, tapping into her intuition, instincts, and primal energy. Like the flower, she radiates a vibrant energy, unapologetically expressing her authentic self to the world.

As the flower transforms into a small, unassuming fruit, the wild woman’s power grows and ripens. She gathers life experiences, wisdom, and lessons, becoming an embodiment of feminine strength, resilience, and sensuality. Her essence, just like the sweet and juicy berry, entices and nourishes those who are drawn to her energy.

But the wild woman’s journey doesn’t end there.

Just as the berry offers its seeds to the world, the wild woman shares her wisdom, teachings, and feminine power with others. She becomes a catalyst for growth, inspiring those around her to embrace their own wildness and step into their authentic selves.

As the berry’s seeds disperse and find their place in the fertile soil, the wild woman’s legacy continues to thrive through the lives she touches. Her wild spirit and wisdom ripple through generations, reminding others of their innate power, connection to nature, and the importance of embracing the untamed aspects of their being.

So, let us honour the wild woman within us and in others.

Let us embrace the cycle of growth, transformation, and contribution, just as the berry embodies. May we celebrate our wildness, nourish our souls, and inspire others to reclaim their own wild nature. Like the berry, may we embody the innate power and beauty of the wild woman and leave a lasting impact on the world.

In a world that often feels chaotic and disconnected, soulful living is like a breath of fresh air. It’s about infusing meaning and purpose into every aspect of our lives, from our relationships and work to our self-care and spiritual practices. And that’s where I come in!

When you choose to work with me, whether through coaching, readings, or workshops, you’re inviting a guide and a companion on your soulful journey. Together, we’ll dive deep into the layers of your being, exploring what truly lights you up and ignites your passion.

During our coaching sessions, we’ll have heart-to-heart conversations that peel back the layers and uncover your innermost desires. I’ll be there to listen, support, and cheer you on as you take courageous steps towards aligning your life with your truest self.

In the realm of tarot readings, I’ll lay out the cards and unlock the messages they hold for you. It’s not about fortune-telling; it’s about tapping into your intuition and gaining insights that can guide you on your path. You’ll discover the power of self-reflection and the art of trusting your inner wisdom. If you are an entrepreneur I have specific targeted tarot readings that are exclusively for the woman in business, with powerful packaged designed to get you the results you have dreamed of in your business.  Or to launch a new business off the ground with the best start possible.

But it doesn’t stop there. Through immersive workshops, you’ll join a community of fellow seekers, all committed to living soulfully. We’ll dive into topics like shadow work, intuition development, and desire mapping, sharing our stories and supporting one another as we grow.

Together, we’ll create a space where authenticity reigns, where you’re free to express yourself fully and explore the depths of your being. Soulful living is a journey, and I’ll be by your side every step of the way, offering insights, tools, and encouragement.

So, if you’re ready to infuse your life with more meaning, purpose, and soulful connection, let’s connect. Whether it’s through one-on-one coaching, a personalized reading, or an immersive workshop experience, we’ll co-create a journey that’s uniquely yours.

Embrace the invitation to live a soulful life, where every day becomes a celebration of your true self. Reach out to me today, and let’s embark on this incredible adventure together!

Remember, you have the power to create a life that’s deeply aligned with your soul’s desires. Let’s make it happen, one soulful step at a time.



To book a personal reading click HERE. 

To learn more about Soulful Living Tarot coaching click HERE. 

To learn more about Intuitive Readings for Entrepreneurs click HERE. 

To learn more about my online Soulful Living Sessions and workshops click HERE.

The Art of Deep Listening

The Art of Deep Listening

When was the last time you decided something without thinking too much about it. It was something that just “felt” right and you just SAID YES or it just DIDN’T feel right for no logical reason so you just SAID NO and felt no guilt or pressure about it. What if every decision you ever had to make in your life felt like that? What would that mean to you?

There is a practice that I have been exploring for the last few years pretty intently. It is a practice that will lead to this way of being more often in your life. And yes, it has everything to do with your intuition.

It’s called Deep Listening.

What exactly is Deep Listening?

The dissectionists in ancient times (literally people who dissected animals and cadavers for science and enlightenment) believed that the auditory nerve nerve was composed of THREE pathways:

  • One level of hearing was for the mundane things in life, the everyday conversations all around us.
  • A second level of hearing was, they surmised, designed to interpret and absorb all art and all higher learning.
  • the third level existed so that the soul might hear the guidance it needed.

Deep Listening then, is Soul Listening. 

When we are caught up in the wash, rinse, repeat of our lives… you know, the to-do lists, the obligations, the moving our own desires, needs, well being to the back as we care for others, we may have lost, temporarily, the amazing art of Deep Listening.

Some of the signs that we may be in this place are:

  • short fuse – lack of patience for things outside of our control
  • feeling of listlessness or lack of purpose
  • feeling like a machine or robot with no access to any real emotions
  • feeling not bad but not good either
  • feeling a restlessness for “something” but you cannot put your finger on it
  • no energy to create anything – writing, art, cooking, dancing, etc

There are more “symptoms” to when we are caught in the wash, rinse, repeat cycle, but you will know what this feels like for you.

And Deep Listening can be a doorway to reigniting your Soul Life back to you.

Deep Listening can also aid you in, as I said earlier, making decisions. If we are tapped into this place, no decision is too big for us because we will just know what to do.

So how do we begin?

We begin by starting to pay attention to the, as an old german lady I knew called it “Inner Bruder Lisch.” Her “Inner Brother”. This is her name for her inner wise voice that guides her and alerts her to when she has lost her way. I like to call this voice my Inner Wild Woman or Inner Wise Woman. The name is not important. Recognizing the voice is.

You may think that your inner voice is only chiming up during big life altering times, but actually it speaks to us all the time. And you will notice it because it sometimes will tell you to turn left at the lights suddenly, instead of going straight. Even though you go straight every single time. Start to listen to these instructions every day. You might hear it tell you to call a friend, or turn on the radio, or wear a certain outfit. You simply start doing what it is guiding you to do.

But Lisa, you say, how do I know it is my inner voice for realz?

Ahhh.. that is the thing with Deep Listening. You will know because you will JUST KNOW. And this takes practice. Just follow this inner guidance, hunch, feeling for this week and see where it takes you.

The next step is to spend time in solitude and quiet, if you can. And even better, to do something creative at the same time. Paint, write, sing, dance, make collages. This is NOT while you watch TV, though. You can put on music, but this is where you let your wildish nature lead you to your creative self. Another door into Deep Listening.

That is enough for now, you adorable creature. I invite you to try some of these things. I am busy Deeply Listening to my own Inner Bruder Lisch who is instructing me to create something for you.  See below!

I will leave you with a passage from my companion and guide in my life – the book Women Who Run With the Wolves by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola-Estes:

“So what comprises the Wild Woman? She is all that is of instinct, of the worlds both seen and hidden…….She is intuition, she is far-seer, she is deep listener, she is loyal heart. She encourages humans to remain multi-lingual: fluent in the languages of dreams, passion, and poetry. She whispers from night dreams, she leaves behind on the terrain of a woman’s soul a coarse hair and muddy footprints. These fill women with longing to find her, free her, and love her.”

Enrolment is now open for my two-day in-person Soulful Living Workshop in Calgary Alberta  inspired by the book “Women Who Run with the Wolves” by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés. Dates are Saturday Oct 21 and Sunday Oct 22nd.  I hope you join us! 

Find our more and register HERE. 


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