Soooo, today is Tuesday, and I am bringing in a new fun feature to Tarot Solutions.  Basically, I love creating brand spanking new spreads.  It’s super satisfying to find an issue that folks, including me, are having, and then creating a spread around said issue.  On the occasional Tuesday, I’m going to throw one of these babies up here for you all to test drive!  You do not need to be an experienced reader to do this…. seriously.  No, really!  You just need to have an interest in tarot and a book of meanings (or even the little booklet that came with your deck!) by your side, and give this reading a whirl!

This Tuesday’s original spread was inspired by a topic that comes up for EVERYbody.  Especially this time of year.  The topic is MONEY.  Dough.  Cashola. The all mighty dollah.

Even if you have a super healthy and abundant relationship with money, and if you DO, well… we all silently want to punch you, but WHATEVER!  You too, can gain a lot from this spread.

So, grab your deck, and do the spread, which you can find right here, and then come back in the comments or pipe up on Facebook to let us know how your test drive went!  Was it a smooth ride?  A bumpy adventure?  I am loving any kind of feedback on what worked for you and what sucked.  You can tell me!  And based on your awesome feedback I can tweak this puppy to perfection.

Your spread to Test Drive today is called “Your Money Mirror”.  You can download and print it out here.    All for FREE, yo.

YOur money mirror graphic

Good luck!  And if you like this spread, don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter where you will get my FREE collection of original spreads “Soulful Spreads for Inspired Living” + EXCLUSIVE tips and offers for subscribers only!

my signature with xo