Did you ever just feel that no matter what you do road blocks are being thrown up in your face time and time again?  You “feel” like your intuition is leading you down a certain path and then BOOM… the Universe hits you with a road block.  So you go, “Hey shitty Road Block, I’m not gonna let you stop me, I’ll just bulldoze you over!”  Or “Hey Road Block, you don’t fool me, I’m just gonna walk aaaaaalll the way around you!”

Only to be met by, you guessed it, another road block.

I can’t tell you how many times this has happened to me.

A million billion times.

And it is only looking back with hindsight that we can clearly see what was leading us there and why we were pushing so hard to create an outcome.

Hindsight is a fascinating thing.

  1. understanding of a situation or event only after it has happened or developed.
    with hindsight, I should never have gone”

They say hindsight is 20/20, but why is that?  Why can we not trust our intuition and instinct in the moment?  What is it that is clouding our judgement so much that we refuse to see or can’t see that the path forward is just not meant for us?

There are several reasons why we may not listen to our intuition and therefore miss the path laid out before us:

  1. Lack of Trust: Some people may not trust their intuition and rely more on logic and rational thought. They may feel that their intuition is unreliable or that it cannot be trusted.
  2. Fear of Making Mistakes: Fear of making mistakes can prevent people from listening to their intuition. They may worry that following their intuition may lead to negative consequences, so they prefer to rely on more objective measures.
  3. Social Conditioning: Society often places more value on logic and rational thought than on intuition. As a result, some people may have been conditioned to ignore their intuition and to rely solely on objective measures.
  4. Overthinking: Overthinking and analyzing situations can also prevent people from listening to their intuition. They may become so caught up in analyzing the situation that they ignore their inner voice.
  5. Lack of Practice: Listening to intuition requires practice, and some people may not have developed the skill to do so effectively. With practice, however, people can learn to recognize and trust their intuition more readily.

As a result, if you believe in this sort of thing, The Universe or your higher self needs to – at times – create extremely strong and loud road blocks in our way in an effort to steer us in the right direction.

So, what do you do then when you get the sense that the Universe is saying “no” about a current situation in your life? 

Well, you can stop all efforts and just WAIT and do nothing.  See what comes up from that quiet of lack of motion.  Sometimes when we take a pause that is enough to allow the answer to bubble to the surface.  Or, you could get a reading of some kind or therapy.  Either of these options allow a third party to help you – using tools like the tarot – to circumvent your logical brain and the inner critic and the ego to tap into the clear powerful voice of your own Wise Mind.  You could also use what I like to call Deep Listening which you can read all about in a previous blog post HERE. Or you can simply plough ahead and see what happens.  Sometimes it might work out, sometimes not, I have been known to pick this option on a number of occasions.

When to really stop all of the presses, though, and understand that The Universe or whatever that force is is indeed trying to stop you and steer you in another direction:
  1. Injury or illness – if your body is suddenly not well, even back pain or headaches, it is time for you to pay attention to where you are at in your life.  Myself I pivot to the thing that feels most in alignment and pay attention to my body signals.
  2. People you love are reflecting back to you that you are “not happy” or “seem very stressed” – if you have people in your life that you love and trust they, at times, will have a better insight into your well being than you do.  Pay attention when you hear people you trust in your life start to tell you they are worried about you.
  3. Other things keep pulling at you – those times when road blocks are happening over and over, pay attention to the things – sometimes one thing – that keep tugging at you persistently.  It could be a nagging feeling or a “gut feeling” that keeps coming up. This is your intuition and “The Universe” trying to talk to you!
  4. Conflicts in your relationships – this one is a bit more nuanced but never-the-less no less powerful.  When we are dragging ourselves down the wrong road the toll this can take on our psyche and very being has a direct affect on those around us.  If you are generally unhappy because you can’t make a thing happen, it might not be your thing.
  5. Noticing feelings of envy or jealousy of others – another nuanced one but if you are moving down the wrong path and someone you know is moving down a different one and you start to think, “Dang it!  I WANNA GO DOWN THAT PATH!” Then that is a HUGE HINT that that path is more in alignment with you and where you should be going.

All in all we all have experienced when we feel like The Universe is deliberately f-ing with us and foiling our plans at every turn, but like that Garth Brooks song says, “Thank God for unanswered prayers” because sometimes things are not meant for you, no matter how badly we think we want them.

If you are struggling with this in your life at all right now or in the future I can help!  Reach out to inquire about readings or coaching with me and we can help you get clarity about your path together.  One of the quickest ways to get answers on if a path is a yay or nay is a tarot reading or a coaching series so you don’t have to waste one more second of your precious life bulldozing road blocks out of the way down a path that was never meant for you.

And a final message from a colleague of mine, if things aren’t going your way try to remember this:

“Not rejected – redirected.” 




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